Do You Resent AI?
If you’re a developer, do you resent generative AI’s ability to write code?
Yes, because I spent a lot of time learning how to code.
Yes, because I fear that employers will replace me and/or my peers with it.
Yes, because too much investment is going to AI at the expense of other needs.
No, because it makes too many programming mistakes.
No, because it can’t replace what I do.
No, because it is a tool that will help me be more productive.
No, I am a highly evolved being and resent nothing.
I don’t think much about AI.
Paul Scanlon
Paul Scanlon

Paul is a Senior Software Engineer, Independent Developer Advocate and Technical Writer. More from Paul can be found on his site,

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Outer Excuses: Why JavaScript Developers Should Learn SQL
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How to Build Embed Components with Astro, Qwik and StackBlitz
How to Build Site Search with Astro, Qwik and Fuse.js
JavaScript on Demand: How Qwik Differs From React Hydration
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How to Build a Server-Side React App Using Vite and Express
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How to Use Astro with a Sprinkling of React
Tutorial: How to Create a Multi-Region Node.js Lambda API
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How to Use Google Sheets as a Database with React and Serverless
How to Build SVG Line Charts with React, SSR and Tailwind CSS